Gratitude: The Power of Perspective
I am so grateful to be surrounded by phenomenal, kind, and inspiring women. Thank you all for being on this journey with me as I invite some of the dear women in my life to speak life in our space. This week, Kris Lacy is joining us with a message about the power that we all possess. Kris and I go back to our freshman year at Bradley University. I always remember her being incredibly kind, and it’s amazing to see her still flourishing all these years later!
Kris Lacy is a Transformational Speaker, business owner, community leader, wife, and mom of 3. Today, she shares her take on navigating disappointment with “Gratitude: The Power of Perspective.”
Gratitude: The Power of Perspective by Kris Lacy
Hey there, Kris Lacy here, also known as Kris Speaks Life. I am today’s guest on the Speak Life Newsletter with Vannesia Darby. I am so excited to be here with you today and to talk a little bit about the word gratitude. More specifically, how gratitude is the prescription for your disappointment.
Navigating Life’s Disappointments
I know there are times when repeated letdowns and frustrations can be overwhelming. Quite frankly, it can be discouraging and even confusing, especially when you know that you are doing your best and giving it your all. You’re checking things off of your to-do list. You are keeping your commitments. You are showing up for yourself and for others, right? You are growing in terms of your personal development every single day, and it seems like no matter how much you do or how much you give, or how hard you try, life will throw curveball after curveball and disruption after disruption to remind you that well, you aren’t in control.
And while that is normal, it doesn’t always feel great, right? All of it can feel overwhelming and sometimes it causes you to feel powerless.
Shifting Your Perspective
I want to offer you the opportunity to shift back into your power — the power of your perspective. You see, it can be so easy to focus on the “bad” while simultaneously waiting for something or someone to make it good again. The reality is that with a simple shift in perspective, you don’t have to wait. You can turn your head ever so slightly to reveal something new. And when you turn, you get to see that you still have life and many good things and beautiful people right now, in the midst of disappointment.
Choosing Gratitude Over Despair
I want to invite you to be the answer to your perceived problem. I’d like to suggest that the prescription to your disappointment is not something new or someone better but rather a choice that only you can make to be grateful for what you currently have and how far you’ve already come. You are blessed even when it hurts if only you would choose to see it. 🧡
I hope this serves you today. Sending love, peace, joy, and light your way.
Keep up with Kris:
- IG: instagram.com/krisspeakslife
- Website: krisspeakslife.com